[WriteLog] Cursor position in serial number box

Clay Melhorn n9io at hotmail.com
Tue Nov 25 16:39:49 EST 2008

Hello all,
Is there a way to cause the cursor in the serial number field to default to the far right instead of the far left?
Example: During Nov SS pressing the spacebar jumping to the different
fields I would like to have the cursor land on the right (Least significant digit) in the number field.
Reasoning is I find that is usually the right most digit is the one I change the most while trying to run or S&P.
I think I remember this was how CT behaved, not sure though.
Anyway, can this be done in the writelog.ini file? If so how?
Also, can you control this action in individual fields or would it effect all fields?
Serial number is mainly what I am interested in.
Thanks,Clay Melhorn N9IO
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