[WriteLog] No Audio Recording with MKII

Gary AL9A al9a at mtaonline.net
Mon Aug 17 21:10:24 PDT 2009

I'm suddenly having a problem getting the WL sound recording to work.  I'm 
sure it is pilot error on my part, but can't seem to find the fix.  I use 
the microHAM microKEYER II for my sound card device and it has worked before 
in recording previous contests both for SSB and CW.  Just minutes before the 
NAQP SSB contest started I was reading some stations to set the WL Sound 
Mixer Level Control and was seeing the Receive selection bars active.  Then 
when I went to Sound board options and turned on the recorder the Mixer 
Level Control went dead.  All the audio files that WL created during the 
contest are empty files - no audio at all!

When I noticed this I went to the USB Device Router and discovered that I 
had forgotten to change the Router preset settings from DXBase, my general 
logger, to Writelog.  I changed the Router settings to Writelog, but the 
Sound Mixer remained out of action.  I've gone through everything I can 
think of to get it going again, including multiple reboots and installing 
the latest upgrade to V10.72E, and can find nothing obliviously wrong.  The 
MKII worked fine during the contest sending my audio wav files without a 
problem.  The MKII Line LED is lit, so I think the audio is being sent to 
the PC, but I can't get record to work.  My OS is Vista and I suspect that 
is probably the culprit.

In Vista Sounds I have both the Playback and Recording defaults set to my 
laptops internal card.  In the Writelog Mixer Level Control I have the 
following Codecs selected:

xmit from PC - Headset Earphone (microHAM CODEC)
DVK mic - Headset Microphone (microHAM CODEC)
rec to PC - Line (microHAM CODEC)
Mixer controls - Headset Microphone (microHAM CODEC)

The MKII Setup Guide for WL doesn't contain the section about setting up the 
sound mixer control, but I think this is what I had running before.  I've 
tried changing the CODECS for the various functions, but nothing seems to 
work.  Anyone have any ideas?

Gary AL9A

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