[WriteLog] Mouse Frequency adjustment with FT-1000MP MKV not working - RESOLVED

Walt Flesher w6sa at cox.net
Tue Aug 18 19:18:49 PDT 2009

  Many thanks to Steve (K4FJ) for the solution.  This rig requires low numbers.  I now have mine set at 8 which gives me a step of 100Hz on the Fast setting of the VFO and 10 hz on the Slow setting.

  You cannot go higher than 100 for a setting which in my case, on Fast, gives me a step of 1.25Khz.  This is well out of the realm of fine tuning.

  Hope this solution helps any others who have given up in frustration.

  Walt Flesher

  Tel:  702-568-8440
  Cell: 702-523-8528

  All Time Stamps are in UTC

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