[WriteLog] USB to CIV problem

Andrei Stchislenok asnp3d at gmail.com
Mon Aug 31 19:04:47 PDT 2009

Joe, check your CI-V address. Every ICOM radio has to have its own address
and also important the speed in Baudot. Icoms are sensitive to these things,
I have just bought IC-7200 and had a hard time to make it work with WL, till
I got the right address and speed which have to match with WL numbers.

Since you match them, you should be fine.

73's Andrei NP3D (TI5/NP3D in CW WW DX RTTY 2009)

2009/8/31 K0BX <k0bx at arrl.net>

> Hi guys, I hate to bring up this topic again, but I am kinda stuck.
> Our Company Radio Club at The Boeing company  got 5 new WinXP PC's  to
> replace our old Dell's.
> But they only have 1 comport and 1 printer port.
> I use comport 1 for the Rascal interface for rtty.
> LPT-1 is being used for CW.
> So I thought that I would use a USB => CIV cable for Rigcontrol.
> After I installed the drivers, I plugged in the adapter and Windows
> found it and made it comport 3.  So far so good.
> I used WL setup and said the PROIII was on comport3 and 19.2 baud.
> Everything looked good.  But NO communications between the rig and the
> computer.
> So I installed HAM RADIO DELUXE on the computer.  It found the comport3,
> found the rig and promply displayed the frequency.
> Worked like a champ.  So I figure the port is ok, the cable is ok and
> the proiii is ok.  Now Why isn't WL working???
> The only thing I can think of and can't find any mention is how do I
> turn on DTR or RTS to run te voltage to the USB cable?  I am pretty sure
> that is the problem.
> Anyone have any idea's??
> Joe K0BX
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73's Andrei
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