Andrei Stchislenok asnp3d at gmail.com
Sun Jan 18 01:04:25 EST 2009

I paid for a newe version in November 2008 and received my s/n next day.
Sent email before though and got response within couple hours with all
details how to.

2009/1/18, John Bastin <jbastin at sssnet.com>:
> On Jan 17, 2009, at 16:38 , john battin wrote:
> >
> > I need to upgrade my writelog for the 160cq contest. My 10.53 is too
> > old so called k5dj and left a message ... then I called k5dj and
> > left another message .... and again with no return call. Then I sent
> > $30 paypal to get a fresh copy ... it says they will send
> > instructions via e-mail .... still nothing.
> > Does anyone know if K5DG or anyone at Writelog still exists????
> I upgraded my WriteLog a few weeks ago with a PayPal payment, no phone
> call, no e-mail message (other than the one that goes automatically
> with the PayPal payment). I got my serial number.
> I didn't do it shortly before a contest, so I wasn't worried about how
> long it took to complete. I don't really remember how long it took
> because I wasn't waiting with bated breath for it to happen. As I
> recall, it wasn't very long.
> Moral: make changes when you're not under some kind of deadline. Makes
> it much less stressful.
> 73,
> John K8AJS
> jbastin at sssnet.com
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73's Andrei
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