[WriteLog] Writelog and the K3 - Keying CW

KD3TB idarack at gmail.com
Sat May 30 11:37:11 PDT 2009

I have both a new radio K3 and new computer running Vista, hence double
trouble.  I can get Writelog and all of my other programs to run in Vista,
except I am having trouble getting Writelog to key CW (via the Macro's).
And, Writelog RTTYrite and the CW Display are not hearing through my sound
card. I know everything is working, as Skimmer and Mixw both copy through my
sound card and Power SDR is also working.  


Here are my settings :

Computer is Vista (Business) and two sound cards - E-MU 0202 and internal

Radio - K3 with the KXV3A RX Ant., IF Out and Xverter Interface and Second

Com Port using LP-Bridge (Writelog does find the K3 Frequency)

With MixW I use the Internal Sound Card and with Skimmer and Power SDR  I am
using the external E-MU 0202 Card. I have no problem running Skimmer and
Mixw at the same time.


I have tried all of the Writelog settings, Com Port Keying and CW via the
Sound Card (PC Generates CW). 


Any assistance would be appreciated.


Thanks and regards, 


Irwin Darack - KD3TB


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