[WriteLog] How many still upgrade WriteLog on Windows 95, 98, ME, or NT?

Wayne, W5XD w5xd at writelog.com
Tue Nov 24 18:04:00 PST 2009

Thanks for the replies. There is no way I have a statistically valid sample,
but there were enough folks on ME and Windows 98 that I plan to immediately
upgrade the WriteLog development tools only to the last version that does
support those old OS's. (Most of WriteLog is currently built with version
6.0 which is now 11 years old. The last Microsoft tool kit to support
Windows 98/ME was version 8.0 from 2005.)

End users should not see a difference--at least in the short run.

This decision--like pretty much any other involving WriteLog--is not

Wayne, W5XD

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