[WriteLog] RTTY problem

DL7VOG gerd at dl7vog.de
Sat Oct 31 15:24:20 PDT 2009

Hi Ron,

preparations for my DXpedition to VP2V are almost done. CW with my new 
Winkey2 works fine. With RTTY I had a bit trouble.
First I have to declare that I have a new computer, an Acer Aspire One 
netbook which has no more usual COM port but USB ports.
I bought an adapter cable (Prolific USB to Serial) a few years ago and 
installed it now between my SCS PTCplus and the netbook and set it to COM2.
But no RTTY output, though I have set Port to COM2 in RITTY and clicked 
in TU type on SCS PTC II. I think my computer did not open the com port 
anyway. So I installed the terminal program Tera Term and realized that 
the adapter cable was working. When I pressed enter after starting the 
terminal programm RTTY worked well. After rebooting the same problem - 
no RTTY. After opening Tera Term and press enter the com port was 
initialized again and RTTY worked.
Okay, I can live with it - but do you know any solution without starting 
Tera Term everytime before I can use RTTY?
Could I do anything in WriteLog.ini to initiate the port automatically?

I hope you understand my terrible English and know generally what I mean 
- I am neither a good programmer nor a good English writer :o))

73 and good DX de Gerd / DL7VOG

Hopefully our plane leaves early enough to take part in WAE RTTY just 
for a few hours. We unfortunately arrive Sunday, Nov. 15 afternoon after 
staying two days in Puerto Rico, because there is no plane between 
Friday and Sunday afternoon.
Maybe we meet during the contest.


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