[WriteLog] Rttyrite callsign DDE issue

Mike McCarthy, W1NR lists at w1nr.net
Sat Sep 26 12:52:35 PDT 2009

I don't recall if that was the exact call or not. It was just an
example. There were numerous calls that were doing it to me until I
realized it was starting at the mouse pointer. I did not know that it
was tied into SCP. A few calls didn't get highlighted, but clicking on
the start of the call entered it fine.  I will try the "insert" key too!
(thanks Jim).

Mike, W1NR

Dave Hachadorian wrote:
> How did KG0ZZ get highlighted? He is not in my SCP. Maybe you are
> talking about highlighting after "DE"? If so, it is better to turn off
> "scan for DE" and use a SCP database for highlighting. If you need
> one, I can send you one.
> Dave Hachadorian, K6LL
> Yuma, AZ
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Mike McCarthy, W1NR" <lists at w1nr.net>
> To: <writelog at contesting.com>
> Sent: Saturday, September 26, 2009 9:58 AM
> Subject: [WriteLog] Rttyrite callsign DDE issue
>> I have noticed that 10.72e doesn't copy complete call signs from the
>> Rttyrite window to the log entry when clicked on. Even though the entire
>> call sign is highlighted, it almost never copies the entire prefix to
>> the entry field. This happens mostly with prefixes that have 2 letters
>> in the prefix. For example, KG0ZZ is highlighted but G0ZZ gets entered.
>> Mike, W1NR

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