[WriteLog] V10.78K doesn't generate CW

Mike k4gmh at arrl.net
Sat Aug 14 13:19:48 PDT 2010

Found the problem and it was my error.

CW works when Com4 has the CW button pushed on the Ports pull down.  Reason
is I have PTT and CW going to the radio on Com4 along with  RTTY FSK via
Rttyrite Port selection.  Delving deeper into MixW2 set-up found the keying
is on Com 4 and Com 5 is just used for the CAT.  Anyway, got the problem
solved and now to just remember the set-up the next time.  Again, operator
error although not sure how the CW button on WL Com5 was activated when
V10.78 was first brought up after installation.  Must have made the WL port
change unknowingly for the NAQP RTTY Contest a couple of weeks ago.

Again, thanks everyone for the encouragement and help.

On Sat, Aug 14, 2010 at 9:23 AM, Mike <k4gmh at arrl.net> wrote:

> Hello,
> On Thur. installed V10.78k using writelog_full_v10.78.exe.  Installation
> seemed to go okay, WL came up and the WAE Contest was set-up.
> Unfortunately, I didn't try to send CW with the V10.78K until the start of
> the WAE Friday night (local time).  Now WL doesn't generate CW.  Previous WL
> versions would generate CW via the computer.  No com port changes were made
> in V10.78K from the previous WL versions which would generate CW.
> Closed WL and restarted it with another installation of WAE in WL but still
> no CW.  Closed WL and opened it with a different contest, Sweep Stakes, but
> no CW.  Checked writelog.ini file and looked the same as with other WL
> versions.
> Another S/W program, MixW2, was then tried (after closing WL) and generated
> CW using the same com port and hardware set-up used by WL.  MixW2 was closed
> and WL V10.78K and WAE contest module opened.  V10.78K still wouldn't
> generate CW.
> WL displays the IC746's freq. and the 746's mode.
> Reinstalled V10.78k using writelog_full_v10.78.exe and still no computer
> generated CW.  Note: did not do a WL uninstall before reinstalling V10.78K.
> RTTY is generated okay with V10.78 and MMTTY.
> Several times I have gotten an error message saying V10.78 could not find
> the wave file.  Usually this occurs when trying different port settings
> attempting to get WL to generate CW.  Tried to change mode with the "Mode
> Next" and "Mode Previous" selections without any luck.  Is V10.78 locked in
> SSB and won't change mode?
> Using Windows XP OS.
> Any ideas on how to get WL to generate CW?
> --
>    73,
>    Mike, K4GMH

   Mike, K4GMH

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