[WriteLog] mmtty plug in help

john w8wej at citynet.net
Tue Aug 17 07:36:38 PDT 2010

Im in a bit of problem here in that I can get mmtty  plug in  into 
writelog files ,,,, at least that is what I think.
I have  mmtty plug in on desk top, I  click on run etc,and can go 
through the wizard which I think states it will install in writelog--but 
after running this and clicking finish, then ,
when I open a log , go to window and click on rtty window, I get this  
cant start mtty
the system cannot find the path specified
I should note, and it is painfully obvious that Im not good  with the 
file thing..
appreciate some help with a "see spot, see spot  run" directions
many thanks 73 john  w8wej

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