[WriteLog] Insert Key

DickT-W0RAA dickt at w0raa.com
Sun Aug 29 13:07:21 PDT 2010

Thanks for the reply, Gary.  BTW, I usually work you in a contest but no AK 
stations heard this one.  Oh, tell Sarah Palin I said hello since you're in 
Wasilla, AK.  Hi Hi!

Also, thanks to Jay, WS7I for his help.  I may get this figured out 
eventually.  Hi Hi

I just hit the Insert key when I see the highlighted call in the RTTYrite 
Receive window.  It moves the call to the Data Input Window and promptly 
send the contents of my F10 Key, which I have as my key to hit when I want 
to use "And now..." when I see 2 calls and finish one then pick up the 
other.  For this particular contest the F10 macro is "%R%P1 TU NOW %C 599 
1963 1963 de W0RAA%E" (without the quotes, of course).  Once I have the info 
from the station I hit my F3 Key and send "%R %C TU GL DE w0raa CQ%L%O%E". 
So basically my sequence if I am in Run mode is F2 for CQ, F3 for my report 
to the station calling and F4 to QSL, log him and Zero my RIT if I had to 
use it.

I'm a little confused why the F10 key is chosen to send a report.  I know 
I'm doing something wrong.  People on here say click on the call in the 
RTTYrite receive window, the hit the Insert.  I thought the Insert was 
primarily used to "Grab" a call and move it to the Data Input window without 
having to click on the call.  Maybe my confusion, since I assumed (I guess 
incorrectly) that after the call was in the Data Entry window, hitting the 
Insert would move the cursor to the next field.  Why?  If I click on AL9A, 
it goes to the Data Entry window, and when you send a report, I click on 
what you send and it goes to the proper field.  Why do we need an Insert 
Key?  It seems to be confusing things, at least for me.

Appreciate the help from you and others.  (See your e-mail below and an 
e-mail from WS7I)


Dick - W0RAA
CU in the Colorado QSO Party
September 4, 2010

>Date: Sat, 28 Aug 2010 16:09:58 -0800
>From: "Gary AL9A" <al9a at mtaonline.net>
>Subject: Re: [WriteLog] Insert Key
>To: <writelog at contesting.com>
>Message-ID: <2F95DF2AAEFF4B7FA75D6AF2CAF86EAD at AL9APC>
>Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";


>More info please.  Do you click on the call in the Rittyrite window first 
>put it in the Entry window and then hit Insert?  It sounds like you are
>hitting Insert when the call is still in the Rittyrite receive window. 
>are the contents of your F10 key?  Is that your exchange?

>Normal use would be to left click on a call in the Rittyrite receive window
>THEN hit Insert to dupe check it and send your exchange.  As I understand 
>the new Insert key behavior allows the cursor to jump to the next field
>without having to hit space so you're ready to copy his exchange.  I 
>installed 10.79 yet as I didn't want to risk a problem right at the start 
>the SCC contest.  I'll probably do it next week sometime.

>Gary AL9A

>Date: Sun, 29 Aug 2010 07:10:46 -0700
>From: WS7I <ws7ik7tj at gmail.com>
>Subject: Re: [WriteLog] Insert Key
>To: Gary AL9A <al9a at mtaonline.net>
>Cc: writelog at contesting.com
<AANLkTin=hhz6ADKgXC0hzDBBCtf+T4aND4EA-1CRxyTa at mail.gmail.com>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

>See in the help file. ctrl keys, Message Short Cut Keys.  Change in
>writelog.ini the SendCallExchangeKey=2 or where ever your exchange is
>located. This is in the [Configuration] section.

>Also Gary, normal action is to use the InsertKey and then you don't
>have to click on anything it grabs highlighted call, moves it to the
>window and either sits at the end of the call or on to the next field
>depending on how that is set.

>Jay WS7I

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