[WriteLog] ARRL 10M Contest

Ed Muns w0yk at msn.com
Wed Dec 8 10:07:53 PST 2010

Jim, KC4HW, wrote:
> I have Writelog version 10.82A, it seems that the exchange is 
> not correct in the Log Entry window . 
> The required exchange for DX countries is the RST and Serial Number.  
> The serial number is not shown in the log entry window.  
> Is there a new module for the ARRL 10m Contest?

Have you tried putting the serial number for a DX call sign into the QTH
field?  That's the way the ARRL RTTY Round-Up module works.  Perhaps it is
misleading to put a serial number in a field labeled 'QTH' but in contests
like this where the exchange element differs between domestic and DX
stations, it is much easier and efficient to have just one exchange element
window in the logger.

Ed - W0YK

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