[WriteLog] Problem with CW mesages not sending correctly/at all

hankkier at aol.com hankkier at aol.com
Fri Feb 19 17:49:05 PST 2010

Started ARRL contest and immediately had a problem with the CW buffer messages. I use the Microkeyer and Icom Pro3. When I attempt to use either the F-keys or the buttons over the entry log I am getting erratic behavior, at best. If buffer is " QRZ de KF2O" when I press it I may get "F2O" or "Z", or "RZ long pause then K, then relay stays in transmit for a long pause then exits, or lots of other iterations. "CL?" comes out "?". etc for all the other messages. not a single message is playing correctly. plus the relay stays in transmit at times when nothing is playing before kicking out. and sometimes the message would not only play partially, but the code speed would speed up to about 80 WPM...couldn't even understand it. at a loss to explain all this.

by contrast, when I exited writelog and opened DXBase, without changing any other element, the DXBase message buffers play out perfectly normally, no problem at all.

I also exited and pulled up an old ARRL CW contest writelog file (which worked fine before) and experienced the same erratic behavior with that one.

even more frustrating because I didn't wait till contest time to test it...set up writelog a few days ago and at that time had none of this problem, all the messages played normally.


Hank  KF2O

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