[WriteLog] Error Message when Writelog 10.77H is started up

Don Hill AA5AU aa5au at bellsouth.net
Thu Jul 8 07:59:59 PDT 2010

This is an error that we've seen before.  I've even had it here for a while but it went away and I don't' remember why it went away
or what I did to get it to go away.  It has something to do with the USERPARA.INI file which MMTTY uses to set its parameters.  The
error seems harmless but it is a nuisance.

I investigated this error a couple of times by doing a search of the WriteLog reflector archives to see what others have done but
could not find a definitive fix.

As Joe, W4TV, said it may be due to a missing or corrupted USERPARA.INI file.  I tend to believe it's the latter because if I remove
USERPARA.INI and then try to open MMTTY within WriteLog I get a different error that says "RTTYRITE MFC Application has encountered
a problem and needs to close).  When this happens, a new USERPARA.INI file is created but it must be corrupted because I get the
same error when reopening WriteLog with MMTTY. 

When using the MMTTY plug-in for WriteLog, make sure it points to a directory where there has been a full install of MMTTY (and not
just MMTTY.EXE by itself).  You can do this by opening writelog.ini and looking in the [Rttyrite] section for a line that says:

MMTTY_LOCATION=C:\Program Files\MMTTY (this assumes a full install has been done at C:\Program Files\MMTTY)

I suggest go into the MMTTY directory, find USERPARA.INI and rename it to something else like USERPARA_old.INI.  Then open MMTTY
stand-alone (not WriteLog).  It will create a new USERPARA.INI file.  Then open WriteLog and see if the error comes up again.
Please post your findings on the reflector.  I'd like to nail this one down.

Other options include uninstalling MMTTY and reinstalling (preferably the latest version 1.66G) and uninstalling the MMTTY plug-in
for WriteLog and reinstalling but I don't know this is necessary.  It's a good idea to reboot after reinstalling the MMTTY plug-in
for WriteLog if you do so.

73, Don AA5AU

-----Original Message-----
From: writelog-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:writelog-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Don Bergmark
Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2010 9:13 AM
To: WriteLog at contesting.com
Subject: [WriteLog] Error Message when Writelog 10.77H is started up



I have a strange message come up when I run Writelog 10.77 under WIN 7, 64 bit.  I think it is coming up with the computer runs
MMTTY.  I am getting ready for the fall contest period and would like to see if anybody else has this problem and if it will affect
the logging for the contests coming up.  


The error message is in a little box head the caption, "ERROR MSG" and the following message "!UserPara. INI" followed by several
funny characters.  I think this is appearing when MMTTY is loading.


Once I click OK in the error message, Writelog come up with MMTTY and all seems ok.  I would like to get rid of the ERROR MSG but
don't know where to begin.  HELP!




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