[WriteLog] UserPara.ini error ...some more!

Joe Subich, W4TV lists at subich.com
Tue Jul 20 18:34:22 PDT 2010

 > I am still struggling to understand the read only permission issue.
 > Obviously something in the OS is preventing a change even though I
 > am logged in as the Administrator.

Permissions in Vista are a real can of worms.  There are explicit
permissions assigned to a given file, permissions assigned to a
directory, and permissions inherited from a directory's parent,
In addition, there are permissions based on the user account, the
"group" to which that user belongs, "Administrator" status and
whether one is logged on using the "god" account (a system level
"super administrator").   I certainly don't understand all of the
hows and whys of file permissions/security and wish that Microsoft
had not foisted such a byzantine web of security on single user
and end-user home systems.

 > So how did this happen if the MMTTY is a read only folder?

A filled box does not mean that MMTTY is a read only folder.  It
only means that SOME of the files in the folder are read only.
There are dozens of attributes for a file that one can display
if necessary.

 > As for changing the Security permissions, as Phil did, why would
 > the message problem now be intermittent?  If permissions are set,
 > they are set.  Why would the problem be solved some days and not
 > others?

It is only a guess but I suspect Windows is doing something based
on the user account when the file is accessed and/or rewritten.
I suspect it has to do with the location of the Writelog/RTTYrite
files (they will have certain attributes and permissions based on
their directory/owner/group) any attributes/permissions for the
plug-in itself (if it intermediates in reading/writing ini files),
and the attributes/permissions of MMTTY itself.  All of these will
be even more complex if all of the pieces are not installed by
the same user ...

Dave had been able to tell us that the error is MMTTY complaining
that it can't access UserPara.ini.  I suspect that each user may
have a different set of circumstances at play and it will be a
matter of figuring out what the issues are in your particular


    ... Joe, W4TV

On 7/20/2010 4:01 PM, Gary AL9A wrote:
> I am still struggling to understand the read only permission issue.
> Obviously something in the OS is preventing a change even though I am logged
> in as the Administrator.  The permission  issue is more perplexing because
> the other day I tried the suggestion, from Joe I think, to start MMTTY,
> select the Default settings and then save them as "Standard RTTY" to cause
> MMTTY to create a new USERPARA.INI file.  I did this, after making a backup
> copy of USERPARA.INI first, and MMTTY did create a new parameter file in
> C:\MMTTY.  So how did this happen if the MMTTY is a read only folder?
> Obviously things are going on in Windows that I am clueless about.  As for
> changing the Security permissions, as Phil did, why would the message
> problem now be intermittent?  If permissions are set, they are set.  Why
> would the problem be solved some days and not others?  I think I may just
> retreat to the sidelines and put up with the minor annoyance of the error
> message until such time as a definitive solution is disseminated.
> 73,
> Gary AL9A
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: " pcooper"<pcooper at guernsey.net>
> To:<WriteLog at contesting.com>
> Sent: July 20, 2010 8:46 AM
> Subject: Re: [WriteLog] UserPara.ini error ...some more!
>> Hi all,
>> Firstly, I too had the same problem with WinXP + SP2.
>> My MMTTY (the one used exclusively for WL) is in C:\MMTTY, and I've just
>> been trying the steps outlined by Joe, and find the same issue as others:
>> Namely, that when you "undo" the checkbox for READ ONLY, it reverts back
>> as soon as you go to another folder.
>> So, wanting to try harder, I opened Properties, went to Security, and
>> there, I saw that the list of "Permissions for Authenticated Users" showed
>> that Write, Full Control and Special Permissions were not checked.
>> I clicked on EDIT, and allowed every user listed in the box above to be
>> able to Write and have Full Control.
>> Now, I only occasionally get the USERPARA.INI error occasionally!
>> Maybe this is the cure? But why does it happen on XP too?
>> Oh well, it is only a minor annoyance, as it does not stop MMTTY starting
>> up.
>> 73 all
>> Phil GU0SUP

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