[WriteLog] CAT commands

marcelo at alternex.com.br marcelo at alternex.com.br
Wed Mar 24 19:28:57 PDT 2010

Embeding a CAT commando in a F-Key message has interesting uses. For example, one
could program an acknowledge message with a RIT Clear command
In CW:
R TU <Clear RIT>
Just an example. 
Marcelo, PY1KN
> I feel what you are describing could be achieved with the free
software> Autohotkey...will try it after the WPX...> > Trent
Sampson> 220 Alderley Street> Toowoomba QLD 4350> VK4TI> > ----- Original Message -----> From: "John Hoaglun"
<john at hoaglun.com>> To: "Bill K2OWR"
<k2owr at comcast.net>> Cc: WriteLog at contesting.com> Sent:
Thursday, 25 March, 2010 7:11:04 AM GMT +10:00 Brisbane> Subject: Re:
[WriteLog] CAT commands> > I use Writelog for contests and operating
events like Field Day and have> been for many years. (I am getting the feeling
from the emails that> people don't operate away from their shack.)>
> Look at scenario A & B:> > A:
Netbook+Radio+serial_cable> (good portable station)> > B:
+serial_cable+audio_cables+USB_Hub> (not very portable... replace the netbook
with a fullsize pc and it is a> home station)> > My
Question:> Can Writelog send CAT commands via the F key macros?> > (This has been asked in the archives before but I can't find examples of> where it has been answered)  Sending CW messages via the "KY" cat> command would be the most likely topic as quite a few radios can do>
this.> > There are occasions were I want to operate some contests in a
more> minimal configuration depending on the effort level and out of town> family commitments. Sometimes you don't need all the "stuff" to put
a> bunch of Q's into the log.  :-)> > 73 de NG0R>
> > > On Wed, 2010-03-24 at 16:22 -0400, Bill K2OWR wrote:> >> >>>> :::: I'm still a
little baffled by your question. This is a Writelog>> contest software
reflector.>> How does your question relate to Writelog software and
contesting?>>>> There may be other software applications to
accomplish your needs.>> For instance, Ham RadioDeluxe is an amazing
suite of radio>> applications that you may be able to utilize for all your
non contest>> needs.>>>> Anybody else able to help
here?>>>> BILL K2OWR>>> > > _______________________________________________> WriteLog mailing
list> WriteLog at contesting.com>
http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/writelog> WriteLog on the web: 
http://www.writelog.com/> _______________________________________________> WriteLog mailing list> WriteLog at contesting.com>
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