[WriteLog] Absence of colors

DickT-W0RAA dickt at w0raa.com
Sat Oct 9 11:42:39 PDT 2010

For some strange reason, I am not getting any calls to show up in my RTTY 
window as highlighted by colors.  If I see a station I have worked it 
doesn't get highlighted by red.  Unworked stations are not being highlighted 
in green, etc.

Is there perhaps something I have set wrong or is this a glitch in the new 
version 10.80F?  I am in the Makrothen RTTY Contest and not sure where to 
look.  Can anybody help?  I've never had this happen before and I'm puzzled 
by it.  Band conditions on 20 are just plain lousy, but I doubt that's the 
cause of my problem.

Thanks & 73,


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