[WriteLog] UPGRADE CW DECODER - Is it Possible ?

Norman Wald normanwald at sbcglobal.net
Mon Oct 25 18:03:29 PDT 2010

Hi Trent and the WL group,

There are actually two methods to decode CW already built-in to Writelog.

The first is the aforementioned CW Display decoder window. On the negative side the decoded signals fly by you really fast with no scroll back ability, on the other hand the multiple streams help you find the center frequency if you don't have real narrow filtering. 

The second method is to use the RTTYrite window and select CW... Open the RTTYrite window just like you would for your MMTTY plug-in, but under the TU Type menu, select Sound Board AFSK, then under the Mode menu select CW.

You can click and fill fields with callsign, serial number or whatever - just like in MMTTY and Rittyrite. And you can resize the window and scroll back, unlike the CW Display.

I can copy by ear up to about 35 WPM, but I have a processing disorder* - something similar to ADHD, so it helps me to be able to look back on the scroll for the info I just heard in order to write it down/enter it in WL.

*Not everybody processes information the same. I know there are some serious hardcore CW people out there (and I tend to include myself as one), but I find it demeaning to hear someone say that CW should only be copied without software help. I really wish that I could type what I hear as it's being sent, I admire the guys who can sit at the mill all day copying traffic - but I have an almost 5 second perception lag!

By the way, you can have BOTH decoders running at the same time.

73 de Norman W9VQ

On Oct 25, 2010, at 4:37 PM, vk4ti at yahoo.com wrote:

> I posted this to the CQ Contest reflector -  Is it possible to improve the Writelog CW decoder ? I would really like to see the multi channel decoder have point and click like the RTTY windows or full call-sign capture like CW GET - dropping callsigns into the logger
> Without CW decoders over 50% of the cannon fodder that makes up contest QSO's would not exist and without mandatory CW testing that number will rise..
> We are having an ongoing clash between what is "historic" and ethical under todays technology..
> You will notice that the majority of the Asian contests allow Skimmer , spotting etc etc - are we in danger of becoming a relic of the past - clutching on to what was once great...?? 
> I applaud K3LR's use of Skimmer technology in the server format and the great work by Pete Smith with the Reverse Beacon Network- what I am disappointed by is that Skimmer is the forefront and searching the internet there are NO challengers to it and the technology of Skimmer is 5 years old now..and we are still having problems with it...SKIMMER WILL WORK WITH WINDOWS 98 !!!  Writelog's CW decoder would have to be ten years old -works pretty good actually but again no upgrades - 
> My software ability is not good enough to progress it further but I really believe great CW decoders will keep CW on the bands when we are all pushing up daisies..
> Trent VK4TI 

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