[WriteLog] Elecraft K3 Radio and Keyboard Command

K2MK k2mk at comcast.net
Fri Sep 10 05:28:37 PDT 2010


I followed the same procedure as you and had a similar failure trying to 
evoke a SPOT command (SWT42;) using the F12 key with 10.79D. I get an error 
message in the status area:
Error result -3 sending rig command (10)

After several hours of negative results I decided to wait until 10.80 is 

Mike K2MK

I would appreciate some assistance with the Keyboard Commands function with
my K3 Radio. My objective is to create Function Keys (i.e. F10) that plays
the DVK messages, etc.

In the Writelog.ini files, I created two lines [Elecraft_K3_commands] and
Macro_10=k31;swt21; (this should be the command sent to the radio to key the
DVK message #1).  Where to I tell Writelog that the F10 key should be
Macro_10 ? I tried making a change in the Keyboard Shortcuts parameters, but
this did not work.

Thanks -  KD3TB 

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