[WriteLog] WAE SSB contest module

Gary AL9A al9a at mtaonline.net
Sun Sep 12 22:35:16 PDT 2010

Just completed my first WAE contest and enjoyed it immensely.  This being my 
first experience with the WAE module I would like to make a couple of 
observations and get feedback from others on how to handle some things in 
the future.

1. In the Send dialog box, ALT+S, the QRV button worked correctly by sending 
the group/count numbers followed by my SHIFT+F11 message.  However, both the 
QRV? and QSL? buttons have a problem.  Instead of sending my SHIFT+F10 
message they both send the SHIFT+F11 message which is not correct.  My 
SHIFT+F10 wav file message was correct as I could manually send it without a 
problem.  It appears there is a bug in this part of the WAE module.  Have 
others experienced this?  Is this a core WL module or an add on module?  I 
haven't looked it up yet, but if it is a core WL module may we expect a fix 
in the near future?

2. My QTC exchanges went smoothly, except for one.  In one of the QTC 
packets I was on  #10 of 10 when the receiving station reported he was now 
experiencing heavy QRM and was unable to copy the last QTC.  We tried 
several times to get it through, but his QRM problem prohibited completing 
the last QTC in the packet.  I had already transmitted the group/count 
number which was 10.  We actually got 9 through correctly.  Apparently there 
is no way to correct the count number in WL or to somehow tell it the QTC 
batch being sent was aborted short of the intended message count.  I'm not 
sure how that works in post contest scoring.  Since the group/count number 
indicates 10 QTCs and only 9 were received does the scoring reflect the 9 
correct QTCs or disallow them all?  After sending the first 9 and failing on 
the 10th one I clicked OK which then caused WL to x each of the 10 QTCs as 
if they had all been acknowledged correctly.  Apparently there is no way to 
edit the x field so the 10th QTC could not be sent to a different station. 
How do others handle this situation?  I suppose I could click Cancel, but 
then all the QTCs that were received correctly would be omitted from my log 
and not match the EU stations log.  Something seems wrong with this.

Gary AL9A

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