[WriteLog] Fw: WL + TARA Grid Dip Shindig?

Gary AL9A al9a at mtaonline.net
Fri Aug 5 20:23:56 PDT 2011

I used the HF GRID LOCATION CONTEST module for a few contacts before the CME 
hit with a vengeance and the bands went dead.  As noted below this module is 
apparently designed for SSB and CW contests as RittyRite has some problems 
with populating the entry window fields.  Using Insert for a highlighted 
works ok as does clicking on a call that is not highlighted.  What doesn't 
work is clicking on the grid number or name.  If you click on anything else 
it goes into the Call field and overwrites the call that was just placed 
there!  Very annoying to say the least.

The only way to enter the name and grid fields is to type them by hand, 
which brings up another annoying fact in using this module.  The Entry 
window fields are laid out as Call, Grid, Name.  The received reports are 
sent as Call, Name, Grid so you must wait for the grid number to print then 
type it in fast and space to the Name field and type that in as well.  Too 
bad the field order can't be easily reversed.  It also seems like RittyRite 
has a problem with the color for dupes.  It rarely colors a dupe red, or any 
call any color for that matter.  Once entered into the Call field WL does 
show it as a dupe, but it would be nice if it worked in RittyRite too. 
Considering the CME situation there probably won't be many more to put in 
the log anyway!

Gary AL9A

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Gary AL9A" <al9a at mtaonline.net>
To: <Writelog at contesting.com>
Sent: August 05, 2011 1:11 PM
Subject: Re: [WriteLog] Fw: WL + TARA Grid Dip Shindig?

>I found my out of band problem with the HF GRID LOCATION CONTEST module.
> Apparently this module is setup for LSB, USB and CW, but not FSK.  First I
> went to Bands/Show Bands... and noted that FSK was not setup as a valid
> mode.  I then went to Bands/Setup Bands... and hit the "Clear All Bands"
> button.  I then entered the low and high band edges for each band, cleared
> all the check boxes except for FSK and hit the  "Add this band" button.
> Once the bands were setup to accept FSK the duping, points and multipliers
> seem to be working correctly.  I will try this module in the contest and 
> see
> how it performs.  Thanks for the tip Aldo.
> 73,
> Gary AL9A

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