[WriteLog] Logging Simulator

Gary AL9A al9a at mtaonline.net
Mon Dec 19 22:26:32 PST 2011


I've been using WriteLog for years and this is the first I've ever heard of 
Logging Simulator.  There is a topic about it in the Help file if you search 
for "simulator".  However, there is no way to start the Logging Simulator 
from the WriteLog Program Group.  There is no such item in the list of 
applications.  According to the WriteLog Update History the Logging 
Simulator was added to V10.31 in March, 2002.  That's a long time ago.  I 
cannot find any other reference to it in the Help file, but apparently a 
later release deleted that feature and the Help file is out of date.

If you wish to get familiar with WriteLog I would suggest doing your own 
simulation.  Setup a contest in WriteLog and exercise the program to see if 
it does everything you want, when you want.  Be sure to hook the rig up to a 
dummy load so you don't transmit misleading signals.  Type a call, any call, 
into the CALL field and make up whatever the exchange fields expect.  Hit 
Enter to log the QSO and do another.  Try the F keys for CW, SSB, RTTY 
whatever mode you want.  Type in a call and then try to edit it to something 
else.  Try editing the various exchange fields.  See if the Band Map is 
configured correctly and follows your VFO movement.  Put various "spots" of 
calls into the Band Map at various frequencies and see if clicking on them 
will QSY the radio and fill in the CALL field for you.  Type a new frequency 
on a different band into the CALL filed and when you hit Enter see if the 
radio QSYs to that frequency.  Get the Super Check Partial function setup 
and see if it works correctly - double click on a Call and see if it fills 
the CALL field.  Don't worry about writing all the garbage out into a file. 
Just highlight all the calls in the log and Delete them or Delete the entire 
contest log.

Become familiar with the F key memories, how to chain together multiple 
messages, etc.  Try to get the DVK working for SSB contests.  There are an 
endless number of things you can try to learn the program before you go live 
on the air.  If you get stuck fire off an email here and you will be sure to 
get expert advice in moments.  Welcome to WriteLog and contesting.  I'm sure 
you will enjoy them both!

Gary AL9A

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Donald L. De Feyter" <kc8cydonald at aol.com>
To: "WriteLog" <writelog at contesting.com>
Sent: December 19, 2011 4:56 PM
Subject: [WriteLog] Logging Simulator

> I am a new user of WriteLog and trying to get familiar with program. So
> far I have not able to locate
> Logging Simulator in the directory.
> Thanks for any help.
> 73
> Don/KC8CY
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