[WriteLog] Writelog DVK and MicrokeyerII

Steve AI9T steve at ai9t.com
Fri Dec 30 03:44:49 PST 2011

Good Morning

I'm in the process of setting up a Microkeyer II and Writelog with DVK. 
I have the CW and RTTY/PSK modes working OK.

I can currently record and play back Wav files from inside the Microham 
router program. This works great. From within Writelog and can record 
Wav files by pressing Shift F2. This work great. Problem I have is when 
I try to play the Wav file by pressing F2 I'm not getting audio out of 
the rig. I don't understand how this could be any different than playing 
a wav file from the router program. When I press F2 the interface keys 
the rig but I get nothing out of the rig. As a test I changed the 
Writelog sound mixer settings to point to my default external speaker 
when I did this I can hear the Wav file I being played on the speakers.

My rig is a Icom 7700. My computer OS is Windows 7 64bit.

Here are my Writelog.INI setting for [WlSound]
RxInDevice=Line (microHAM CODEC)
TxOutDevice=Headset Earphone (microHAM CODE
MicInDevice=Headset Microphone (microHAM CO

Any advice would be appreciated

-- 73
Steve AI9T
AI9T DX Cluster
Version 4 AI9T dxc.ai9t.com port 7300
Version 6 AI9T-2 dxc.ai9t.com port 7373

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