[WriteLog] Registration Code Exchange

Ed Muns w0yk at msn.com
Sun Feb 13 10:15:44 PST 2011

I wrote, yesterday ...
> There is a bug somewhere, though, because with my P49X call sign and
> registration code, WriteLog is scoring WPX RTTY as though I'm operating in
> North America.

Wrong.  No bug in the code, just in the user.  Per the Help file ...


Setting your DXCC country

The point value and multipliers are calculated assuming your station is
located in the DXCC country indicated by an entry in WRITELOG.INI, You can
modify the CALLPREFIX line in the [Multipliers] section in WRITELOG.INI in
your Windows directory (normally c:\windows). The value must be the prefix
of the country of operation, all upper case. If the prefix by itself does
not determine the country of operation, then also add a PREFIX_XTRA value
which is the letter that you would enter in the C field (see previous
section) to specify which country. For example, if you are operating as
CE0DX from Easter Island, you would modify (or add) a section to
WRITELOG.INI that looked like this:


WriteLog automatically sets this INI entry using your callsign when you
install the software. But if you are on a Dxpedition you will want to change
the INI entry manually.


Thanks for Barry, W5GN, pointing this out.

Ed - P49X (W0YK)

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