[WriteLog] RTTY Window Capture

Dick Flanagan dick at k7vc.com
Mon Feb 14 14:23:34 PST 2011

At 11:46 PM 2/13/2011, Ed Muns wrote:
 >I don't speak "BSOD"

I think when I am tired I resort to speaking in "tongues."  :)  The 
Blue Screen Of Death (BDOD) is how even Microsoft refers to their 
system failure display when Windows aborts, quits, dies for some 
unrecoverable reason.  It is a bright blue screen with white text 
that informs "you have just been screwed, the system is re-booting."

The system has effectively turned itself off and is restarting.  The 
status of what you were working on is indeterminable.

I had one of those during the contest.  WriteLog recovered nicely, 
but the Rttywrite window was perfectly clean.  Whatever had been 
there (at least 12 hours of contacts) was gone.  Would the MMTTY 
logging procedure you described have been able to survive this kind 
of system failure?

Dick Flanagan K7VC
dick at k7vc.com

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