[WriteLog] MK II CW suddenly choppy

Gill Mail k5bg73 at gmail.com
Sat Feb 19 03:13:37 PST 2011

Exactly the same here.
Never any stutter before. Don't know what has changed.
Bob, K5BG

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Gary AL9A 
  To: Writelog Reflector ; Microham User Group 
  Sent: Saturday, February 19, 2011 12:58 AM
  Subject: [WriteLog] MK II CW suddenly choppy

  Since trying to get started in the ARRL DX CW contest this weekend I've 
  noticed a problem with the sending in my MK II  that has never occurred 
  before.  On my CQ message the keyer will intermittently pause for a moment 
  in the middle of my call or the word TEST resulting in a space being 
  inserted in the string.  For example the message "CQ TEST AL9A" will 
  sometimes send as "CQ TES T AL 9A", "CQ TE ST AL9A", "CQ TEST A L9A ", or 
  "CQ TEST AL 9A".  The pattern seems completely random.

  I know it is not RF related because it will occur even when the IC-7600 has 
  its CW setting set to break in off.  This essentially makes the radio a code 
  oscillator and no RF is being keyed.  I tried to think of anything that has 
  changed recently and the only things I came up with since the last CW 
  contest were to upgrade WriteLog to 10.83E and install a new HP Officejet 
  4500 printer.  I went into System Configuration and turned off the HP 
  Digital Imaging software in the Startup folder and the printer itself. 
  Problem is still there.  I went back to an earlier CW contest log in 
  WriteLog dating prior to the 10.83E upgrade and the keying problem is now 
  present with that message buffer too.

  System is Windows Vista 32 bit, IC-7600, MK II, PW-1 amp.  Anyone else run 
  into to this problem with WriteLog 10.83E?

  Gary AL9A

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