[WriteLog] WriteLog 10.84 is available!

Steve Woodruff steve at n9oh.com
Mon Feb 21 07:59:56 PST 2011

WriteLog version 10.84 is a free upgrade for anyone who
has purchased the full version of WriteLog since February,
2010.  This excludes the "Newbie" version, which does not
include any free upgrades.  If you are running an earlier
version, go here to purchase a new registration code:

WriteLog 10.84 includes the following new features/fixes:

* Winkey changes. This time add BufferLevelSetting to the ini
  file and account for the fact that the half-space (a caret
  in WLs message buffer) is not echoed back.
* Fix the Echo Mic again, and add more tuning parameters.
* Fix a crash if you setup a custom log with no multiplier checking.
* Fix the K3 rig driver to not issue audio commands when Headphones
  are set split.
* If the [RttyContextMenuEntries] only has one entry, then a right
  click invokes it without popping up a one-entry menu.
* A PushCall operation, either from the RTTY window right click,
  or from the WriteLog Entry window menu, both push the call to
  the stack only on their own Entry Window, rather than to all
  Entry Windows that happen to be on the same band. (PushCall
  operations are still repeated over the network, and all
  networked machines with multiple Entry Windows will still
  stack the call on all Entry Windows that match the band of
  the push.)

The latest software can be downloaded here:


Steve N9OH & Wayne W5XD

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