[WriteLog] Suggestions for RTTY RU

Ed Muns w0yk at msn.com
Sun Jan 2 20:12:21 PST 2011

Hi, Dick!  Thanks to you and the several others who have contributed to this
thread.  I agree with most of the points and admit that I do get anxious
when contest exchanges are not snappy.  I suspect, though, that few of the
readers on these reflectors send long exchanges.  Most of the arguably too
long transmissions come from well-meaning casual participants whose only
interest in a contest is having an abundance of stations to work and
possibly pursuit of QSOs for awards.  Despite my personal frustration with
unnecessarily long contest transmissions, I also am very thankful that these
casual stations get on the air to help fill my log.  So, it's a mixed bag.

I feel the best way to deal with this issue is to make sure we don't
intimidate or scare off the many casual participants who make up a large
share of our log entries.  By graciously accepting them in our activity and
showing by example how contest exchanges should be made, I believe in time
many of them will improve their style.  This is a great outcome ...  growing
participation and growing contesting skill!

Ed - W0YK

Dick, W0RAA, wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> Well, it's that time of the year and I hope everybody is 
> getting ready for the ARRL RTTY Roundup Contest on January 8 & 9.
> I'd like to make a couple suggestions or so:
> 1.  Please DO NOT use CUT NUMBERS in the Contest!
> 2.  Send 599, NOT 5NN or TOO!
> You're not saving any time with cut numbers and in RTTY they 
> are totally not necessary.
> 3.  It's not necessary to send "Hi 'name', nice to hear u. Ur 
> 599 in 'state/prov'.  Everybody knows their own name.  I know 
> it's just a friendly gesture, but not necessary, and besides, 
> you're wasting the time of the station you are communicating 
> with at the time.  A simple TU 599 'state/prov' is all that's 
> needed.  (All you'll get from me when I send my report is 
> "URCALL TU 599 CO CO de W0RAA".  Add ur own call or the other 
> stations call at the end if you like.  I prefer to use my own 
> call.  But again, probably not necessary.
> These are just suggestions to hopefully speed things along in 
> the contest. 
> Being cordial is OK, but let's just do it after the contest.
> Oops, I almost forgot...
> 4.  Be sure to send your cabrillo files to 
> logs at supercheckpartial.com when you submit your score for the 
> contest.  It gets your call in the data base for future contests.
> Other than that, I hope to hear many of you again this year.  
> My beam came down in a fierce wind storm we had here in 
> Colorado Springs on Dec. 3, 2010, so I'll be in the RTTY RU, 
> just not as loud as I'd like to be.  I'll be using my 
> Butternut HF-9V instead of the HyGain tri-bander.  I'm going 
> to be putting up another tower and the hole is dug for it, 
> but the nights have been cold here.  Waiting for a little 
> warm-up to have the concrete poured. 
> The beam will be a Cushcraft A3S and it will be on a Hazer2 
> Tram system for raising and lowering the beam & rotor.  My 
> rotor, a Ham V was not damaged in the tower fall.  Thank 
> Heavens for ARRL insurance.  I got a settlement from them 
> within 2 weeks and only had a $50 deductible.  My homeowners 
> insurance would have covered it, but the deductible would 
> have been $1000.  Ouch.  I hope to have it up in time for the 
> CQ WW WPX RTTY in February, with any cooperation at all from 
> our weather gods.
> See you all next weekend, I hope.  And good luck in the RTTY RU.
> 73,
> Dick
> W0RAA 

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