[WriteLog] Maybe this will help someone..

Ray Day rayday at cox.net
Tue Jan 18 14:19:30 PST 2011

Hi all,

Hope this saves someone some troubleshooting pain...

Had a "two-pager" message outlining the problem headed to this list. 
Then I stumbled onto the solution.....

Bottom line: When the Rttyrite window had a com port selected/checked 
and that com port has been grabbed by another program at computer 
restart (first time running WL on this laptop), I got an error 
message when opening the WL plug-in MMTTY - the ol' "Switch to" or 
"Retry" pane. Locked up. Only this pane was active so I couldn't 
experiment. Had to get rid of in through task manager. Got a 
momentary "Com port unavailable" message, too. Loooooooooooooooong 
story, but I changed the Rttyrite com port assignment in writelog.ini 
to another one and presto - problem gone. All is now well. Whew....

Probably, some of you will read this and think, "Duh!" If so, cool. 
For anyone it saves pain, glad I could help.

Thanks to the group for being there for me when I needed help,
Ray N6HE

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