[WriteLog] Reminder: DL-DX RTTY Contest 2011 on this weekend

Bernd DC3HB dc3hb at freenet.de
Tue Jun 28 15:56:38 PDT 2011

Hello all.

Just a reminder:

The DL-DX RTTY Contest runs again this weekend, starting Saturday,
2nd July at 1100 UTC until Sunday, 3rd July, 1059 UTC.

The different classes are:

Class A:   SO1R AB(all bands)
Class B:   SO1R AB 6 hours
Class C:   SO1R AB limited antenna
Class D:   SO1R AB 6h limited antennas
Class E:   MO1R AB
Class F:   SO2R AB no limit
Class G:   MO2R AB no limit

Detailed rules are published on the DRCG home page www.drcg.de.
Writelog users can find the required contest module at www.dl1efd.de.
Cabrillo logs (subject: CALL.LOG CLASS) NLT 10 August to logs-at-drcg.de.

We wish all participants lots of fun and hope to meet you in the

73 Bernd, DC3HB
DRCG RTTY Contest Manager

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