[WriteLog] 7QP contacts north of the border
(K7ZO) Scott Tuthill
k7zo at cableone.net
Mon May 9 13:38:52 PDT 2011
Thanks Steve this tip really helped out. I could not figure out why NS would
not map to VE1 and WriteLog would put a "? in the ML field. A couple other
mappings that I found helpful to add were:
These seem to be more commonly used on the air than the YK and NT
respectively that are in the current alias file. Think you might update this
in a future release?
Also, the score calculation shown on screen in the Band Summary and in the
Cabrillo does not include the 10 DX mults for those in the 7th area. A score
calculated in the Summary Sheet does.
Date: Sun, 8 May 2011 16:41:32 -0400
From: Steve Woodruff <steve at n9oh.com>
Subject: Re: [WriteLog] 7QP contacts north of the border
To: Writelog Reflector <writelog at contesting.com>
Message-ID: <BANLkTikS8x4JPZQ6wDYQVZJzXBpxp=qEuw at mail.gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Actually, W7CCY pointed out that other provinces do have aliases setup so I
must have forgotten to include NS. If you're running XP, you can edit this
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\WriteLog\7qp.ini
Find the [7QP-Alias] section and add to the bottom:
Steve N9OH
On Sun, May 8, 2011 at 4:01 PM, Steve Woodruff <steve at n9oh.com> wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> If you're working the 7QP this weekend and are logging contacts with folks
> in Canada, the rules indicate that their provinces should be logged as
> VE1-9, VO, and VY0-2. So if you're trying to log ON or NS and its not
> working -- its because the rules want it as prefixes rather than province
> abbreviations. The rules did not state that aliases were acceptable for
> the
> provinces, so to ensure good scoring, it only takes the VE/VY/VO
> prefix-based provinces.
> I had a couple of queries on this so I thought I'd point that out. You
> can
> find that in the rules here:
> http://www.codxc.org/new/Page.asp?Content=DRYLAND7S&Page=3
> Thanks!
> Steve N9OH
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