[WriteLog] Nevada QSO Party (aka Mustang Roundup)

Dick Flanagan dick at k7vc.com
Sun May 15 16:31:21 PDT 2011

Now that the QP is over, it looks like the Writelog contest module is 
not following the current rules when it comes to calculating the final 
score.  Writelog is currently allocating one point for each phone QSO 
and two points for CW and RTTY QSOs.

The current rules at 
http://www.nvqsoparty.info/nevada-mustang-round-up1.html allocate two 
points for each phone QSO and three points for CW and RTTY.  I think 
N1MM may also be using the wrong scoring algorithm.

It appears the contest organizers changed the scoring rules and the 
software developers need to catch up.  Hopefully the organizers will 
also re-score all computer logs they receive to ensure they were scored 


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