[WriteLog] Need per-band packet spots choice for SS "U" class

Pete Soper pete at soper.us
Fri Nov 18 16:11:45 PST 2011

Could somebody point me to the archives covering this, or help me tweak 
configuration to get per-band packet spots when I set up Writelog for 
Sweepstakes? I want to run unlimited class, but would like to be able to 
just see spots for one band at a time when in S&P mode. As it is the 
packet "Bands" menu only offers "All Bands" and  "Follow Me" choices, 
but no band/mode choices as with other setups  like "DXpedition", "ARRL 
DX", or even "NAQP". Is there a way to hit this with a hammer in a .ini 

Pete AD4L

PS Sorry for possible dupes. I didn't stop to think that giving the list 
subscription an alternate email address was going to hose me for postings.

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