[WriteLog] W5XD Multi-Keyer CW Issue

Jim Bowman ks1j at arrl.net
Sat Oct 15 07:28:20 PDT 2011

I've successfully used the W5XD MK-1100 Mult-Keyer for the past 6 years in
both Writelog contesting mode and in general CW operating. Recently CW
behavior has become erratic shifting speeds from high to low. The speed pot
has become useless. This occurs whether transmitting or just monitoring (no
transmission therefore no RFI). A power off/on cycle will reset the speed to
about 25 wpm but the problem will occur after just a short period of
sending. Occasionally, CW generation ceases altogether or conversely latches 
on. This can also be
temporarily corrected with a power cycle.

If I activate Writelog (selecting a General logging function for example),
the speed up/down functions work temporarily then the erratic behavior
begins again.

I can think of no hardware changes have been made to the shack that might
contribute to this. No changes to the key connectors or plugs have been made 
in the past 6 years.

The environment is Windows XP SP3 with the latest security patches installed

But these problems occur whether the PC is on or off so I think that might 
eliminate software as a problem.

Looking for things I may have overlooked. There is the distinct possibility 
it has finally given up the ghost.


Jim KS1J

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