[WriteLog] Beam headings window

DickT-W0RAA dickt at w0raa.com
Sat Oct 15 17:26:34 PDT 2011

I am in the JARTS contest this weekend and I have to admit I haven't had 
this much fun since pushing grandma down the basement steps as a kid.  (Only 
kidding).  The bands have been incredible.  I was calling CQ JARTS on 10 
meters and getting calls from all over the world.  That hasn't happened in 
years.  I even worked T32C on 10 RTTY.

But my question is the readings I have in the Beam Headings window in 
Writelog.  They are off by quite a few degrees and I'm wondering if there is 
a place to put my Longitude and Latitude (Maybe in the Writelog.ini file) 
that will bring things into a more realistic reading.

I don't recall the beam headings being off by very much in previous 
versions, and if anybody has any suggestions I'd certainly like to hear 

Hope you're all having as much fun in JARTS as I am.


Dick - W0RAA

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