[WriteLog] Writelog/Microham/TS2000x

kp hpjr inservice2him at hotmail.com
Sat Sep 10 07:03:19 PDT 2011

Trying to get my TS-2000x to work in WL using my MicroHam MicroKeyer.

Using WL 10.86C. I do have the rig tracking freq info on Com9 @ 9600 baud. That sems to work fine.

What I can not figure out is how to get the CW to send. I have tried various combination's of settings. The best I get is a steady tone to lock up. There is no PTT TX happening at all.

My settings on the MicroHam router (Version7.7.1)  are:
FSK=Com10 (PTT is checked here)

My trouble lies on the Writelog "Port setup -- What is connected? screen" I'm not sure what combination is needed to get this thing to fly. Any help would be much appreciated.


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