[WriteLog] [SMC] NAQP-CW Next Saturday

KC4HW/Jim kc4hw at centurytel.net
Wed Aug 1 19:02:03 PDT 2012

Gary, I would appreciate a copy.  Thanks!

I did this before with SS and it worked out pretty good.  



On 1 Aug 2012 at 16:22, Gary AL9A wrote:

> Thanks to Jim N7US and his post that got me thinking about those of us who 
> use WriteLog as our contest logger.
> I went to the Arizona Outlaws website he mentioned and downloaded their NAQP 
> CW file in CSV format.  With a little crunching in Excel I was able to 
> convert the CSV file to TXT file that contained the field names required by 
> WriteLog.  I then opened the TXT file in Notepad and did a bit more 
> organization to delete unnecessary spaces between fields and have now 
> produced a WriteLog compatible adi file that can be used to prefill the Name 
> and QTH fields in the log.
> I have pre-tested the file, 2011 NAQP CW Call History.adi, and much to my 
> delight it works! The file contains 1524 records for use to prefill the 
> required exchange info.  I don't have a web page of my own to post this file 
> and I don't think an attachment to this email will make it through the 
> reflector filters.  If you would like a copy of the file please email me 
> direct and I will reply with the attachment direct to you.  Just put it in a 
> folder somewhere on your computer and then point WriteLog to its location 
> and select the NAME and QTH fields to prefill.
> As always when using a prefill file, be sure that the Name and/or QTH info 
> is still valid in this year's contest.  For some reason people change names 
> or states from year to year!  My thanks to the Arizona Outlaws for making 
> their CSV file available on the website.
> 73,
> Gary AL9A
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Jim N7US" <n7us at arrl.net>
> To: "SMC Reflector" <smc at w9smc.com>
> Sent: July 31, 2012 2:53 PM
> Subject: Re: [SMC] NAQP-CW Next Saturday
> > The Arizona Outlaws website has several N1MM Call History files available
> > for download.  The file for NAQP CW is in CSV format, so you have to 
> > change
> > it to a .TXT file.  I opened the .CSV in Notepad and saved it as a .TXT
> > file, though maybe you can just change the file extension with going 
> > though
> > Notepad.
> >
> > http://www.arizonaoutlaws.net/downloads.html
> >
> > Bob, K8IA, has an article on that page explaining how to use N1MM call
> > history files, and the official documentation is at
> > http://n1mm.hamdocs.com/tiki-index.php?page=Call+History+Lookup&structure=N1
> > MM+Logger+Documentation .
> >
> > If that link breaks, then use http://tinyurl.com/dxdnb7e .
> >
> > The AOCC website is exceptionally nice.  The club was formed after I left
> > Arizona in 2006, though I've been friends with many of them for a long 
> > time.
> > K8IA goes way back in contesting and was K8HLR in the 1960s and 1970s.
> > Check out Bob's picture at http://qrz.com/db/k8ia .  He's a scary dude. 
> > ;-)
> >
> >
> > 73, Jim N7US
> >
> >
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > Hello,
> > I can't think of a better way to prepare for Nov SS than to participate in
> > another stateside contest.  The NAQP-CW contest next week-end is a great
> > opportunity to
> >
> >
> >   - hone your cw skills
> >   - test that super secret low dipole for adjacent states
> >   - practice with your new computerized logging program
> >   - try out the new cw interface you built
> >   - shake out your station after taking the summer off of contesting.
> >   - last but certainly not least, get on the air and have for fun with
> >   your team mates.
> >
> > So far the following SMCer's have responded:
> > Name Call
> > Full Time
> > Mike W9RE
> > Jim WI9WI
> > Craig K9CT
> > Don K9NR
> > Matt K9CU
> >
> > Part time
> > Ryan KB9OWD
> > Paula  K9IR
> > Mel KJ9C/7
> > Gary AL9A
> > Bill K3WA
> > Ellen AF9J
> > Brad W9FX
> > Gary K9AY
> > Danny NG9R
> > Ray K9DUR
> > MIke N9BOR
> >
> > There is still time to add your name to the list. Please let me know your
> > operating plans for NAQP-CW next Saturday.
> >
> > Pat WW9R
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
> > SMC Web Site: http://www.w9smc.com
> > List Help: http://mail.w9smc.com/mailman/listinfo/smc_w9smc.com
> > Submissions: smc at w9smc.com   Problems? Contact: smc-owner at w9smc.com 
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