[WriteLog] "7" and pstRotator

Wilse Morgan wilse at centurytel.net
Tue Jan 3 11:23:38 PST 2012

I am trying to to run writelog with PstRotator by YO3DMU.
It is connected to a Global Beam Display by W3FRG.
My rotator is the AlfaSpid. My OS is windows "7"
I have the system working in manual mode and with MIXW.
When I right click on the writelog desk top then properties /advance
the "run as administrator" box is grey. I believe I need this box black
so I can check it. In setup/ports under rotators when I put in MSG and 
hit OK a window comes up and says can't connect to SARTEK. I need to connect
to be able to run with PstRotator. Any suggestions
  73   Wilse  WX7P

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