[WriteLog] A.R.I. contest setup

Gary AL9A al9a at mtaonline.net
Tue May 1 16:40:22 PDT 2012

Trying to get my head around how to setup WL for the A.R.I. contest this 
weekend.  I would like to run both CW and RTTY, but have a dilemma I've 
never run across before.  In setting up the WL message memories CW and RTTY 
messages share the same memory locations, but the messages between the two 
modes are considerably different.  Is there a good way to do this?

I don't want to have to type and retype all the memory messages as I switch 
modes from CW to RTTY and back again.  I'm considering setting up two 
different logs, one for CW contacts, the other for RTTY.  However the 
exchange for non-Italian stations is RST and a serial number.  If I run X 
QSO's on CW and then switch to a different log for RTTY can I force WL to 
start numbering the next contact with serial X+1?  Finally, if I do create 
two different logs based upon the mode how do I merge them together into a 
single log to create the Cabrillo file and adif export file for my my 
general logger?  The adif isn't too much of a problem as I could just create 
two adif files and import them both to my general logger.  But the serial 
incrementing and Cabrillo output has me stumped.  Any suggestions?

Gary AL9A

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