[WriteLog] Bugs 11:07

Hal Kennedy halken at comcast.net
Fri Nov 16 13:12:59 EST 2012

Some of these have been around for a while I'm afraid, but now I am stuck
with trying to find a work-around.


I have just set up a virgin network, with three identical XP-PRO machines.
Identical loads of WL, etc.  This network is going out on expedition.


The logs network fine.

"Skeds" network fine.

The linking of network frequencies works fine, the screens show each others


Packet works when going out to a telnet site, but if you try to link either
of the other two to the one running a tenet session you get the dreaded:


WLOGPKT32     Failed to connect to remote node.


I know this has been seen before by others.  I suspect it is somewhat XP
related.  Any ideas how to make it work?


The gab function does not work.  The gab dialog boxes come up but appear
grayed out and you can't type into them.


Another issue I have had with the packet module for a year or more on
multiple operating systems and installs is the packet program won't close.
The only way to shut it down is with cntl-alt-delete.  I can live with that


For a big M/2 coming up however, it would be nice to have gab working, and
linking packet across the network is a must.


Thanks for all ideas.




(No I have not tried assigning fixed IP addresses.I'd rather not since I
don't know the external IP environment I am heading into, but if that fixes
it Ill do it)


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