[WriteLog] Bands Set Up

Gary AL9A al9a at mtaonline.net
Sun Sep 2 02:35:12 EDT 2012


Sorry I didn't find your query until after the contest was over.  For what 
it's worth now, go to the Writelog Help manual and Search for "setup bands". 
Click on the second item in the list, "Band Setup".  Note in the first 
paragraph that the Band Setup function is disabled, grayed out, if there are 
any QSOs in the data base.

After reading this section I would do the following for your current log. 
Export the log as an adif file and then close it.  Start WL and select Start 
a new contest.  Select the Russian RTTY contest and then in this empty 
contest module go Bands/Setup Bands... and configure the band edges per the 
Help manual instructions.  When complete save the empty contest to a new 
location.  Now select File/Import... and import the Russian RTTY contest 
adif file you created from the other log.  After importing I think you'll 
find the red 'B' flags have gone away.  Now save this log again and you can 
delete the original log.

Gary AL9A

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "John Maglio" <jgmags at comcast.net>
To: <writelog at contesting.com>
Sent: September 01, 2012 12:37 PM
Subject: [WriteLog] Bands Set Up

>I am new to writelog and trying to set up for the Russian contest. For 
>every contact I make the sequence number has the red "B" after it. 
>Indicating out of band ? I am in the proper band or I wouldn't be making 
>contacts. Trying to correct the problem in the BANDS Menu, the Bands Set Up 
>function is greyed out. Where is the error in my set up? Other contest set 
>ups are ok in this area. Any help please?
> Thank you,
> KJ1J
> John
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