[WriteLog] Can not switch TNC???

Jerry Pixton jpixton at shentel.net
Mon Apr 1 11:32:43 EDT 2013

Has anyone else had a problem with 11.10 and changing TNCs?

Tried 11.10 yesterday (to try the new K3 rig driver), Windows 7, and the 
regular rttyrite/mmtty plugin windows I always use. When I try to change 
the TNC from mmtty to Stereo Sound Board AFSK to use the cw receiver, 
mmtty dies and I get a rttyrite MFC error. Have to use the Task Manager 
to get back to Writelog to start over.

Had to uninstall 11.10 and go back to 11.08 so mmtty plugin would work.

What did I miss? I see all the chatter re 2Tone but nothing that 
indicates that mmtty plug-in might not work??? I was using the same 
writelog.ini file that I used with 11.08.

Jerry, W6IHG
Dr. Jerry R. Pixton, PIXOS Designs
jpixton at shentel.net

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