[WriteLog] 2 Tone Works Now MMTTY Doesn't

Mike k4gmh at arrl.net
Tue Apr 2 21:47:01 EDT 2013


Got 2 Tone working in a single computer SO2R setup (MS XP) after deleting
the MMTTY from Writelog.ini, "RttyRite", "CustomTnc1MenuEntry=" and
CustomTnc1Progld=".  "MMTTY_LOCATION=C\Program Files\2Tone\2Tone.exe" is
now in the Writelog.ini.  Unfortunately, can't get to MMTTY using XMMT.ocx
via WL, Rttyrite window TU type and clicking on XMMT.ocx.

Now, when open the "TU type" and check "XMMT.ocx", one of the two 2 Tone
windows closes and then reopens on top of the other 2 Tone window.  Do not
get the "Setup XMMT.ocx" window.  So what did I delete that I shouldn't
have or is there something else needs to be done?  One possibility would be
to change the "MMTTY_LOCATION=...." to the location of the MMTTY.exe file.
However, thought one could switch back to MMTTY by opening up the "Setup
XMMT.ocx" window and selecting the path to to MMTTY.exe.  Is my thinking
skewed regarding how to change TU type via the XMMT.ocx>Setup XMMT.ocx

  Mike, K4GMH

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