[WriteLog] RTTY PPT delay

Ed Muns w0yk at msn.com
Mon Apr 29 14:50:12 EDT 2013

I also used 2Tone in the main Rttyrite windows and Winrtty Hardware
generated FSK.  However, I used the Edgeport USB-Serial converter as I have
for a few years now.  I've never had any issues with FSK or any other Serial
I/O functions.  But, as Don alludes below, not all USB-Serial adapters work
with FSK and some other applications.


Don AA5AU wrote: 
> While testing WriteLog on my laptop after installing hardware 
> PTT via the ACC connector on the back of my TS870, I noticed 
> a delay in PTT. I found that I had forgotten to disable PTT 
> via radio control after enabling hardware PTT.
> It's been well documented that using both hardware and 
> software PTT will cause problems with PTT and delay is one of 
> those problems. I don't know if this could be the source of 
> your delay, but it should be checked. Once I disabled PTT via 
> radio control, all worked normally. If you are connected for 
> hardware PTT, go to the Setup menu in the WriteLog window, 
> and select Ports. Make sure Comm PTT is set to NO on the port 
> connected for your radio.
> In the BARTG Sprint 75, I used 2Tone as the main window for 
> both radios and used hardware generated FSK. Despite the blue 
> characters going out ahead of what was actually sent, this 
> setup worked very well. I didn't use my laptop because it 
> doesn't have any legacy COM ports, only a USB to serial 
> adapter. I have 5 legacy COM ports on this PC. Two were used 
> for radio control and two were connected to transistor 
> interfaces for FSK and PTT. There was absolutely no delay in PTT.

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