[WriteLog] RTTY PPT delay
Gary AL9A
al9a at mtaonline.net
Tue Apr 30 00:04:49 EDT 2013
In the MMTTY Misc tab the Tx Port selection is COM-TxD(FSK) and the USB Port
button is set to C: Limiting speed. In the "Radio Command" area the Port
is set to NONE. I notice at the far right side of this window there is box
called DTR/RTS with a check box for PTT. That box is unchecked.
Since my previous note I have discovered an item in WL associated with PTT.
It's hidden in plain sight on the Setup/Ports tab. Down near the bottom of
the window just to the left of the SO2R Control area is a check box next to
"All mode PTT on RTS". On my system the box is checked, but the entire area
is grayed out. The WL Help manual for this line says:
"PTT on CW Port RTS
If you select CW on a COM port, WriteLog will put PTT signals on the same
port on its RTS output. This is for all modes, not just CW, and this PTT
signal is in addition to any that WriteLog might put on an LPT port or
through rig control."
I have identified COM4 in the WL Ports tab as being my CW port. Hence,
since I have identified a CW port, WL checks the All mode PTT on RTS line
for me and then grays it out so it cannot be changed. I don't know what
impact, if any, this has on XMMT.ocx asserting PTT via the Winkey port,
Gary AL9A
----- Original Message -----
From: "Joe Subich, W4TV" <lists at subich.com>
To: <writelog at contesting.com>
Sent: April 29, 2013 6:11 PM
Subject: Re: [WriteLog] RTTY PPT delay
>> I have checked, double checked, triple checked, ad nauseam, and am
>> sure the WriteLog PTT command for my IC-7600 is set to NO.
> Make sure there is no port set for "Radio Command" in MMTTY.
> One other thing to check ... in MMTTY, have you checked
> Sound + COM-TxD (FSK) or COM-TxD (FSK)?
> In testing some other issues tonight, I discovered PTT tail was
> extended noticeably if Sound + COM-TxD (FSK) was selected.
> 73,
> ... Joe, W4TV
> On 4/29/2013 9:23 PM, Gary AL9A wrote:
>> Joe,
>> I have checked, double checked, triple checked, ad nauseam, and am sure
>> the WriteLog PTT command for my IC-7600 is set to NO. The Setup/Ports
>> tab in WL is the only place I know to check for this. If there is
>> someplace else I've never found it.
>> 73,
>> Gary AL9A
>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Joe Subich, W4TV" <lists at subich.com>
>> To: <writelog at contesting.com>
>> Sent: April 29, 2013 4:15 PM
>> Subject: Re: [WriteLog] RTTY PPT delay
>>> Gary,
>>> Are you sure you don't have WriteLog also sending PTT commands via
>>> CAT? That is *notorious* for causing PTT problems - late release
>>> in particular.
>>> It also appears that Writelog may have some issues in correctly timing
>>> FSK - both WriteLog Hardware/Software generated FSK and the amount of
>>> time taken for MMTTY/XMMT.ocx to send a given message - based on Ed's
>>> reports of sent text leading actual transmission by a variable amount
>>> of time (although my tests show a constant three to four character
>>> lead).
>>> Before anything else - make sure that Writelog's Ports Set-up has COM
>>> PTT set to *NO*. With COMM PTT set to no (or with the IC-706mkIIg
>>> which does not respond to command PTT), I never see excessive PTT lag
>>> with XMMT.ocx.
>>> 73,
>>> ... Joe, W4TV
>>> On 4/29/2013 5:01 PM, Gary AL9A wrote:
>>>> I think the PTT delay culprit has been found! I had previously checked
>>>> my WL Ports setting to make sure the radio PTT was set to Off so there
>>>> wouldn't be a conflict between software and hardware PTT. After
>>>> reading
>>>> through Don's comments I reread Joe W4TV's comments below in reply to
>>>> my
>>>> first query about the PTT delay. As I was in the middle of two
>>>> different contests, the SPDX and the BARTG 75, I didn't give the Joe's
>>>> note the thorough reading and thought it deserved. However, upon
>>>> further review...
>>>> Joe refers to XMMT.ocx as "... asserting PTT on Winkey (all mode PTT)"
>>>> and ended that I could check it "...by temporarily setting the WriteLog
>>>> port to 'None' in Router's Ports tab." At first I thought Joe was
>>>> talking about the FSK port assignment for WL in the router Ports tab,
>>>> but then it struck me he may have meant the Winkey port assignment
>>>> setting. So I set my Winkey port, which is normally COM4, to none and
>>>> changed the TU type back to XMMT.ocx and reset up the MMTTY settings.
>>>> Ta Da - no PTT delay with the Winkey (all mode PTT) port disabled!
>>>> Just
>>>> to check I reset the Winkey port back to COM4 and when sending with
>>>> XMMT.ocx the delay is back.
>>>> So apparently the secret for those of us who use the microHAM router
>>>> and
>>>> Winkey is to disable the Winkey port setting when running the XMMT.ocx
>>>> interface. I will create a new router preset, WriteLog XMMT, which
>>>> will
>>>> feature the Winkey port set to none. Should I want to revert back to
>>>> using the MMTTY plug-in I can just select my normal WriteLog preset and
>>>> the Winkey port will again be defined for COM4.
>>>> Thanks to both Don and Joe steering me in the right direction - AGAIN!
>>>> 73,
>>>> Gary AL9A
>>>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Don AA5AU" <aa5au at bellsouth.net>
>>>> To: "Writelog Reflector" <writelog at contesting.com>
>>>> Sent: April 29, 2013 10:06 AM
>>>> Subject: Re: [WriteLog] RTTY PPT delay
>>>> While testing WriteLog on my laptop after installing hardware PTT via
>>>> the ACC connector on the back of my TS870, I noticed a delay in PTT. I
>>>> found that I had forgotten to disable PTT via radio control after
>>>> enabling hardware PTT.
>>>> It's been well documented that using both hardware and software PTT
>>>> will
>>>> cause problems with PTT and delay is one of those problems. I don't
>>>> know
>>>> if this could be the source of your delay, but it should be checked.
>>>> Once I disabled PTT via radio control, all worked normally. If you are
>>>> connected for hardware PTT, go to the Setup menu in the WriteLog
>>>> window,
>>>> and select Ports. Make sure Comm PTT is set to NO on the port connected
>>>> for your radio.
>>>> In the BARTG Sprint 75, I used 2Tone as the main window for both radios
>>>> and used hardware generated FSK. Despite the blue characters going out
>>>> ahead of what was actually sent, this setup worked very well. I didn't
>>>> use my laptop because it doesn't have any legacy COM ports, only a USB
>>>> to serial adapter. I have 5 legacy COM ports on this PC. Two were used
>>>> for radio control and two were connected to transistor interfaces for
>>>> FSK and PTT. There was absolutely no delay in PTT.
>>>> 73, Don AA5AU
>>>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Joe Subich, W4TV"
>>>> <lists at subich.com>
>>>> To: <writelog at contesting.com>; "Gary AL9A" <al9a at mtaonline.net>
>>>> Sent: April 27, 2013 1:57 PM
>>>> Subject: Re: [WriteLog] Fw: RTTY PPT delay
>>>>> I see no difference in PTT lead/tail times with either the SM6SRW
>>>>> MMTTY plugin for Writelog or WriteLog's XMMT.ocx support.
>>>>> What are your WinKey Lead/Lag times in Router? WriteLog's XMMT.ocx
>>>>> support will assert PTT on Winkey (all mode PTT) while MMTTY is
>>>>> asserting PTT on DTR of the FSK port.
>>>>> You can check to see if it is the all mode PTT by temporarily setting
>>>>> the WriteLog port to 'None' in Router's Ports tab.
>>>>> 73,
>>>>> ... Joe, W4TV
>>>>> ________________________________
>>>>> From: Keith Goobie <keith at goobie.org>
>>>>> To: Gary AL9A <al9a at mtaonline.net>; Writelog Reflector
>>>>> <writelog at contesting.com>
>>>>> Sent: Monday, April 29, 2013 8:32 AM
>>>>> Subject: Re: [WriteLog] RTTY PPT delay
>>>>> Hi All
>>>>> I played as well in the SPDX RTTY contest (as part of VE3FJB) and I
>>>>> can
>>>>> support the observations of Gary regarding PTT delays. It is quite
>>>>> noticeable.
>>>>> I am running writelog 11.11c, both 2Tone & MMTTY through XMMT.ocx,
>>>>> and a
>>>>> Flex 3000 connected through DDutil. We just upgraded to 11.xx
>>>>> version of
>>>>> Writelog prior to this contest and we were using this as a shakedown
>>>>> contest.
>>>>> Prior to the changes, we were running a version 10.xx Writelog with
>>>>> the
>>>>> MMTTY plugin. No delays in PTT and it was snappy with the Flex /
>>>>> DDUtil
>>>>> combo.
>>>>> Based on this info, I did notice in the contest that some stations I
>>>>> communicated with had longer turn around times - quite noticeable -
>>>>> and it
>>>>> does make one ponder were they using Writelog?
>>>>> Please view my feedback as constructive. Writelog is a super great
>>>>> program. We are not straying. We did make some 300 contacts in SPDX
>>>>> in a
>>>>> mostly search and pounce operation.
>>>>> Keith - VA3YC
>>>>> One of the Ops at VE3FJB
>>>>> On 4/27/13 1:23 PM, "Gary AL9A" <al9a at mtaonline.net> wrote:
>>>>>> I've been struggling to make a few QSOs in the SPDX RTTY contest and
>>>>>> band
>>>>>> conditions are simply awful. However, it is providing a bit of a test
>>>>>> bed for
>>>>>> the new XMMT.ocx interface. I've been noticing two things on
>>>>>> transmit. One,
>>>>>> in the main Rttyrite screen that prints in blue italics text, my
>>>>>> macro
>>>>>> messages print erratically. Sometimes they print out character by
>>>>>> character,
>>>>>> as with the MMTTY plug-in, other times the entire macro dumps onto
>>>>>> the screen
>>>>>> as soon as the F key is pressed, and still other times I see part of
>>>>>> the macro
>>>>>> print to screen, then a slight pause and then the rest of the macro
>>>>>> dumps onto
>>>>>> the screen. Both of my clone windows, one with 2Tone the other with
>>>>>> MMTTY,
>>>>>> print the macros correctly character by character. I don't know
>>>>>> what the
>>>>>> problem is with the main Rttyrite screen, but it seems to be
>>>>>> sending ok
>>>>>> despite the weird appearance.
>>>>>> On another note, I use the microHAM MKII keyer and router software
>>>>>> with my FSK
>>>>>> setup. It seems to me by ear that both the PTT lead and tail are
>>>>>> longer than
>>>>>> what I'm used to hearing with the MMTTY plug-in. The PTT tail seems
>>>>>> particularly long and I've tried adjusting that setting on the PTT
>>>>>> tab in
>>>>>> router to no avail. Is there something in XMMT.ocx that is causing
>>>>>> this?
>>>>>> Anyone else notice it or just me? I think I will reinstall the MMTTY
>>>>>> plug-in
>>>>>> and see if that makes a difference.
>>>>>> 73,
>>>>>> Gary AL9A
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>>>>> --
>>>>> keith at goobie.org
>>>>> Keith Goobie
>>>>> Richmond Hill, ON, CANADA
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