[WriteLog] ARRL 10 mtr. Contest

ukbrown at acsol.net ukbrown at acsol.net
Sun Dec 15 19:25:56 EST 2013

I have the latest version 11.17E completed the 10mtrs test
and went to set up Cabrillo and got the message to setup
parameters first. Clicked OK and nothing happened. Save the
contest and reopened and my break down of mults has
disappeared but it left the totals for phone and cw but no
mutls and it wont let me set up the cabrillo set up. 
  I reran the 11.17E and its still the same. Cannot send in
to ARRL. How do I get this corrected. Please send to my
email address ukbrown at aol.com or to ukbrown at acsol.net
 Had a great score hope to get it in.
 PTL bill K0UK

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