[WriteLog] 2tone won't click calls

Ed Gray W0SD w0sd at triotel.net
Mon Dec 30 20:01:07 EST 2013

I have two monitors here with WIN7 and I could not click the calls and 
reports into the Writelog entry window from 2Tone and MMTTY. The colors 
showed up OK in 2Tone and MMTTY.

On the bottom of two screens(use two monitors vertically stacked to save 
space) I had Writelog and the rttyrite window using my PK-232 so I can 
transmit with FSK and RX with it.  I realize only the main rttyrite 
window is used for TX.   It worked fine.  I put the MMTTY and 2tone 
cloned receive only rttyrite screens on the top monitor. That is a 
"PROBLEM"!  I took me quite awhile to think to put the MMTTY and 2Tone 
cloned rttyrite screens on the bottom monitor where the Writelog program 
was.  They then work fine.  FWIW I can also put everything on the top 
monitor and they will all work but any window be it main or cloned that 
is not on the same monitor as Writelog I can not click the calls into 
the qso window.

If you don't have two monitors you won't have a problem but if you have 
two or more then you have to set things up correctly or it does not 
work.  I hope
this saves someone a lot of time as it took me longer than I care to 
admit to think to try that.  BTW note what I mentioned above even if it 
is your main window for TX and RX has to be on the same monitor screen 
as Writelog for clicking to work.  At least it does from me with my WIN7 
two monitor set up.


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