[WriteLog] Need advice on Writelog installation conventions on Windows 7

Eric Lowell elowell at satnetmaine.com
Wed Jul 3 20:58:29 EDT 2013


I don't believe Writelog will work properly when installed in c:\program 
files under Win7. Something about write protected file locations?

Isn't there a start menu choice to edit writelog.ini? I'm pretty sure I 
have one, but we may have different versions of Writelog.

Best Regards, Eric W1EL

On 7/3/2013 7:35 PM, Rick Tavan N6XI wrote:
> With the advent of Windows 7, my Writelog installation has become very
> cumbersome. Windows wants programs installed in c:\Program Files but
> Writelog insists on installing itself in c:\ham (where it started out a
> decade ago). Even Uninstall/Reinstall still ends up putting Writelog into
> c:\ham. Writelog's Convert CTY utility, however, now stores its output in
> c:\ProgramData\Writelog but Writelog looks in c:\ham\Programs for the
> files. Convert CTY and Writelog | Web Update Data Files no longer work if
> the current user is not an administrator, so I have to switch user to run
> the utility or to use the internal function. Then, I have to move the
> output files from the utility from c:\ProgramData\Writelog to
> c:\ham\Programs. Finally, writelog.ini is now stored in a shadow folder
> that imitates what used to be c:\Windows which is now off limits to
> civilian programs, so I have to create a shortcut to that weird location
> which isn't the same weird location as it was with Windows XP.  I suspect
> Writelog can be installed more closely in accord with Windows 7 conventions
> and its utilities and functions may work more intuitively, but so far I've
> been unable to break away from c:\ham. Uninstall/Reinstall doesn't help
> (here). Does anyone know a safe way to "get with the program?" Perhaps
> copying a variety of files into a non-Writelog place, uninstall/reinstall,
> tweak the Registry, stuff like that?
> "I really want to be normal!"
> Thanks,
> Rick

Eric Lowell
48 Loon Road
Wesley, ME 04686

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