[WriteLog] Question

DickT-W0RAA dickt at w0raa.com
Sun Jun 9 14:04:28 EDT 2013

I am using a Yaesu FT-950 with a SignaLink USB Interface.  Up until this 
it has performed flawlessly in RTTY mode.  I usuall run PKT | LSB when 
running in
digital modes and have never had a problem.

Now, I cannot get the 950 to send out a signal when I send a macro using my
Writelog program (latest version).  I am not getting any RTTY output using 

It shows that I am transmitting, but there is no
signal going out.  Zero power out.  In all other modes I ama getting full 
100 watts
power out (SSB/CW, etc).

I have not changed anythinh since the last contest,  Might anybody have any
suggestions as to where I should be looking?  The problem is only in RTTY 



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